We offer quality, informed speakers on topics of addiction, prevention, recovery and advocacy. If you are looking to put together an event and need an interesting speaker on one of these topics - you are definitely in the right place. There is no other all inclusive representation for speakers or programs on these topics elsewhere.
We promote social change. Addiction is now one of the leading causes of death in the United States. We are losing an entire generation of our youth to overdose and the opiate epidemic is one of the most relevant health and human rights issue of our time. Lost productivity in the workplace is costing businesses millions of dollars each year and billions more are spent on treatment, associated medical costs, incarceration and judicial matters. These are all complex, crucial issues in which our speakers are uniquely qualified to address. You can rely on us to select exactly the right speaker to tackle and better understand these tough topics.
You will find inspirational keynote speakers, exciting prevention presenters,motivating recovery speakers, engaging workshop leaders, talented forum contributors and educated consultants all ready to inspire change. Our price point on speakers and programs is designed to be affordable so you can positively impact your audience. We are partnering with you to achieve and inspire change and take this responsibility seriously. Our goal is to exceed your expectations. Whether your objective is to host a prevention program for high school students, to eradicate stigma in the workplace, or simply to provide more education to your staff - it is of the utmost importance to us that you receive the precise guidance you need. Our speakers understand the power of their words; they have a desire to educate; and they want to leave their audience transformed for the better . . . Speakers for Change