Spartan Strategics, LLC

Spartan Strategics, LLC specializes in Staffing and Recruiting with 2 employees
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About Spartan Strategics, LLC
Spartan Strategics is an executive recruiting firm specializing in the behavioral health industry. Specifically niched in the substance abuse/addiction field, our recruiters are adept at finding quality talent for the most difficult positions. One of the keys in making a successful recruiting firm is understanding that the most talented individuals in an industry are many times not actively seeking alternative employment. Consequently, in addition to your 'typical' online candidate databases, top recruiting practices must include the ability to gain and maintain solid referral networks as well as have the fortitude to call into competitors while maintaining the hiring authority's anonymity. At Spartan, we work tirelessly to understand the corporate structure, motives, and overall direction of our Client Companies. This ensures that potential employees (Candidates) are not only a match on paper, but also match the 'corporate feel' of the Hiring Authority. The result of our efforts is evident as Candidates are highly productive in their new roles. Ultimately, our unparalleled Client retention rate is the ultimate measure of our success.
Year Founded
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Staffing and Recruiting
HQ Location
Tequesta, FL 33469, US
Executive recruitmentUnderstanding corporate structure and motivesMaintaining hiring authority's anonymityBuilding referral networksIdentifying non-active job seekersMatching candidates to corporate culture
Executive recruiting servicesRecruitment for substance abuse/addiction field
Behavioral HealthMental HealthAddictioSubstance AbuseEating DisordersCo-Occurring DisordersWellnessRecruitingStaffingRetained Search
Spartan Strategics, LLC Location
  • Tequesta, FL 33469, US

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Spartan Strategics, LLC specializes in the Staffing and Recruiting field