Southpac Aerospace is the leading provider of aviation quality and safety training in the Asia-Pacific region. From humble beginnings, providing quality and safety management systems and auditor training for the aviation industry, Southpac now provides an extensive range of training courses, audit and assurance services and includes a highly regarded consulting and advisory team.
Our comprehensive course list includes various accredited training options that have been developed to appeal to personnel from all levels within an organisation and aim to equip aviation professionals to manage and support their organisation’s quality and safety programs.
Southpac's training suite includes several Diplomas, and a range of courses covering subjects from Auditing, Investigation and Aviation SMS to Human Factors, HOP and Leadership. Our internationally recognised aviation safety courses provide the knowledge and practical skills for managing safety in all aspects of the aviation industry.
We are the trusted name in aviation-specific management systems training and have a track record of delivering on what we promise.
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