Sordes was a prehistoric animal (Pterosaurs) which was one of the first to have the ability of flight. These animals were not the predecessors of birds, which have originated from land bound dinosaurs. In fact a T-Rex and a Pigeon have more in common with each other than either one has with the Pterosaurs. This is what biologists call convergent evolution: nature has a way of finding the same solutions (wings, hollow bones, etc.) to the same problem.
The same applies to Agile Development, organisations need to evolve and find a way to grow wings to take flight. Agile offers a set of best practices, since organisations also have a way to find the same solutions the the same problems. However not every best practice may actually be right for your organisation. The goal of Sordes is to help organisations make the most of Agile, both for organisations which are just starting with Agile, and for those who are already using Agile for a considerable time.