Today, digital technology has found its way into clinical trials as eCOA, eSource, sensor data, digital biomarkers.
Digital can drive efficiency, but trial complexity is escalating, and vendor capabilities are changing on a near-monthly basis.
Protocols specify which Clinical Outcomes and Assessments (COAs) to use, but they set no standards or safeguards for the quality of outcome data, digital data collection and overall implementation. Copyright owners provide licenses to use their instruments, but little else in terms of guidance for digital implementation. Service providers sell and implement COAs in bulk.
Ask yourself:
Do we spend too much time managing vendors?
Is our study team constantly putting out fires?
Sorantin Outcomes supports study teams in navigating the constantly changing technology and trial practices and making all the necessary decisions upfront. Our key services are focused on best-in-class RFP Creation, Bid Analysis, Budget Navigation.
We help you assess true value.