We are a global network of deeply experienced practitioners – experts and thought leaders in the field of business agility with shared values and beliefs. We observe that improving ways of working implies cultural change (i.e., values and beliefs) and that side-by-side coaching is as key to success as consulting on organisational and process change. We are coaches and we are consultants.
Applying the principle of continuous learning from across industries we describe patterns and anti-patterns for business agility and enable sharing of these through our book, blog and free to attend community events – alongside premium coaching, consulting and training services.
As a business we pursue a cross-sector, cross-border, multi-generational impact. We drink our own champagne and measure progress based on case studies of improved BVSSH outcomes that have been created and shared.
We are committed to social and environmental improvement and operate a tree planting programme to offset our carbon footprint by a factor of x10. We actively support social improvement through our work with Treesisters and through direct outreach with charities to help improve their ways of working.