SonoVascular has developed a novel pharmaco-mechanical ultrasound facilitated thrombectomy system, SonoThrombectomy™, that utilizes microbubble-mediated cavitation as a core enabling mechanism of action to remove blood clots more effectively. The system uniquely combines:
(i) ultrasound, (ii) microbubbles, (iii) low dose thrombolytic drug, and (iv) mechanical retrieval and aspiration, delivered via an integrated intravascular catheter system.
SonoVascular’s technology has been engineered to address and overcome the deficiencies and limitations of current interventional devices. Its design enables safe and effective treatment in the catheterization laboratory (cathlab), maximizes the reduction in clot burden, enhances the delivery and reduces the dose and duration of thrombolytics to levels that optimize safety and effectiveness, and eliminates the need for patients to be treated in the ICU.