SONG ACADEMY – The Sound Of Youth Empowement
Founded 15 years ago, Song Academy is the leading songwriting platform for young people aged 8-22. Our vision is for every young person, across all backgrounds to have faith in themselves. Song Academy uses the power of songwriting and community to empower young people to express themselves, finding their voice and their tribe.
Song Academy programmes include weekly songwriting clubs, holiday workshops, summer camps, song feedback reports, school songwriting workshops, mentoring programme and The Young Songwriter competition.
We nurture the next generation of creative leaders (young songwriters, artists, musicians, producers & creative thinkers) who will be shaping the future. We believe that Song Academy makes a significant addition to the pipeline of new talented songwriters/artists/producers – creating a diverse and equal music industry where mental health is a priority.
Check out The Song Academy Young Songwriter 2024 competition! Open for entries from 1st February to 31st March 2024.