Sone Rovet Chasson LLP

Sone Rovet Chasson LLP specializes in Accounting with 11 employees
Phone Number: 14164987200
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About Sone Rovet Chasson LLP
Sone Rovet Chasson LLP is a full service CPA firm located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Our goal is to become your strategic and trusted business advisor so that your business remains successful today and in the future. In addition to assisting you with your accounting, taxation and advisory needs, we are committed to managing the growth of your business, as well as your personal wealth. The key to our strong quality of service is the expertise of our team. We take pride in our depth of knowledge, advanced training, technical experience and financial acumen. Our continual investment of time and resources in professional continuing education, state-of-the-art computer technology and extensive business relationships is indicative of our commitment to excellence. We believe in the value of relationships. We view every client relationship as a partnership, and truly believe that our success is driven by your success. Many of our clients have been connected to our firm since the early years of our practice, a testament to our focus on client service. The majority of our practice is comprised of owner-managed businesses, who rely on us to provide information and expertise to assist with financial decision making. Sone Rovet Chasson LLP was established on January 1, 2016 by merging the predecessor firms, Sone & Rovet, LLP, and Chasson & Greenglass LLP. With over 50 years of combined experience, we are excited to partner with you as your business evolves.
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1220 Sheppard Avenue East Suite 406 Toronto, Ontario M2K 2S5, CA
AccountingCanadian and US TaxationEstate PlanningAssurance (Review and Audit)Financial PlanningRecord Keepingand Business Consulting
Sone Rovet Chasson LLP Location
  • 1220 Sheppard Avenue East Suite 406 Toronto, Ontario M2K 2S5, CA

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Sone Rovet Chasson LLP specializes in the Accounting field

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Sone Rovet Chasson LLP specializes in the Accounting field