Auto Parts & Accessories, Auto Repair, Auto Repairs, Car Sales, Land Companies, New & Used Dealers, Auto Body, Auto Repairs, Auto Transporters, New & Used Dealers
Are you searching for a reliable Buick GMC dealer near Milwaukee,WI? Make your way on up to Sommer's Buick GMC and experience a fast, easy, and convenient way to purchase or service your vehicle. Our new inventory includes all new models from Buick and GMC. We also have a wide array of used cars and trucks on sale at competitive prices. With over 60 years of local business experience, come over and meet with our sales associates and experience a new way to purchase a vehicle.Make your way on up to Sommer's Buick GMC and experience a fast, easy, and convenient way to purchase or service your vehicle. Our new inventory includes all new models from Buick and GMC. We also have a wide array of used cars and trucks on sale at competitive prices. With over 60 years of local business experience, come over and meet with our sales associates and experience a new way to purchase a vehicle.
Auto Parts & Accessories, Auto Repair, Auto Repairs, Car Sales, Land Companies, New & Used Dealers, Auto Body, Auto Repairs, Auto Transporters, New & Used Dealers
HQ Location
7211 W Mequon Rd Mequon, WI 53092
Car DealersAuto RepairAuto Parts & SuppliesFamily-owned & operated50 years in business
7211 W Mequon Rd Mequon, WI 53092
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Auto Parts & Accessories, Auto Repair, Auto Repairs, Car Sales, Land Companies, New & Used Dealers, Auto Body, Auto Repairs, Auto Transporters, New & Used Dealers