SolidBakery develops solutions for real-time video processing, projection and mapping. We started writing our own tools for our own custom usages, such as projecting video on inflatable objects and doing full-dome projections. We aim to make full use of modern hardware, with their multi-core CPU and powerful GPU chips, so that our software can scale to high resolutions (full 1080p HD or better) and multiple outputs per computer. After we had successfully used our custom-built tools for some of our own projects, we decided that the idea of turning a simple PC or laptop into a powerful realtime video processing machine could be interesting for a large audience of video artists. We decided to spin-off some of our technology to turn your computer into a video mixer, colour corrector or full-dome projection machine, at a fraction of the cost of dedicated hardware. So we have baked a few solid, easy-to-use applications for you.