The Solent Maritime Enterprise Zone (Solent MEZ), established December 2019, is an umbrella organisation comprising a consortium of the Royal Navy, industry (including small and medium sized enterprises), government and academia working collaboratively in creating a centre of excellence for maritime research, innovation, education, skills and training. The Solent MEZ consortium connects networks regionally and nationally, collaborates on key maritime initiatives to support the maritime sector in its broadest sense. Through an enterprise approach it connects and collaborates with other regions, maritime clusters and cross-sectors to deliver benefit to the maritime sector.
With the mantra “Connect. Collaborate. Deliver”, the Solent MEZ leads, influences and amplifies maritime and marine initiatives, to support national and regional agendas. Through an enterprise approach, the Solent MEZ identifies and solves challenges across the region, bringing like minded stakeholders together to work collaboratively to deliver impact, prosperity and growth to the Solent and wider coastal community.
Innovation & Technology
Skills, Careers & Apprenticeships
Prosperity & Growth
Infrastructure development to support the renaissance of the coastal communities
Research & Academia
Enterprise Approach