The Soil & Climate Initiative (SCI) is the first independently verified, outcome-based program for regenerative agriculture that is open to any farmer and food company, irrespective of where they are on their regenerative journey.
Our commitment and verification program empowers and incentivizes farmers and the food supply chain to scale the acres under regenerative management in order to deliver a holistic spectrum of regenerative outcomes: improved soil health, biodiversity, water quality, climate resiliency, and farm and rural prosperity.
Recognizing the need to better support farmers and verify outcomes without dictating practices, SCI was designed in collaboration with a diverse group of stakeholders, including The Carbon Underground, Ben & Jerry's, Danone, MegaFood, and Green America's Soil & Climate Alliance (a network of over 150 farmers, companies, suppliers, academic experts, investors, and NGOs).
In addition to the commitment, measurement, and verification elements of the program, SCI also provides farmers with practical, science-based guidance and innovative financing mechanisms to ensure long-term adoption and advancement of regenerative practices.
The audacious goal of SCI is to scale regenerative agriculture, and in doing so, change how we grow food and fiber, help solve the climate and soil crises, and contribute to farm prosperity for generations to come.
The Soil Carbon Initiative is part of the Center for Sustainability Solutions at Green America, a 501(c)(3) based in Washington, D.C. You can learn more about the Center here: