We specialize in the development of ERP solutions for manufacturing organizations and custom software applications. Specifically, our company carries out custom programming, database design, and client-server and internet/intranet software application development.
The mission of Softknowedge Business Solutions (Pvt) Ltd is to deploy project teams that apply innovative methods for software development through adaptation of the best methodologies, approaches, and thinking available in the industry. We are committed to fundamental change in how we develop software: to transform our efforts from employing traditional waterfall and information engineering oriented approaches to employing innovative new approaches that include (but are not limited to) lightweight or agile methods, extreme project management, and extreme programming. These approaches are characterized by small teams, short iterative delivery cycles, simple project planning and system design methods, test driven software development, continuous improvement of system design, continuous integration of incremental results, and a sustainable pace of work effort by people in project teams.