Our Service Scope
SoftConcept specializes in providing Information Technology, Information Assurance, Intelligence Analysis, and eLearning services to the United States Federal Government.
Our Solution Coverage
Our solutions range from professional IT and Intel services to monitoring and analyzing enterprise networks.
Our Professional Experience
Our experience comes from our highly qualified, trained, certified and experienced managers, engineers, analysts, and technicians. Our legacy and experience span two decades.
Our Customers
SoftConcept’s portfolio of customers includes Department of Defense and Civil Agencies, such as U.S. Army and Navy; the Defense Information Systems Agency; the Defense Threat Reduction Agency; the Departments of Commerce and Transportation; and, the Department of Homeland Security.
Why SoftConcept provides the best service?
Our commitment is to provide our customers with cost-effective, technology-based services and solutions that allow them to devote their time to accomplishing their missions and daily businesses. We approach every task as a partnership with our customers; managing each assignment with proven practices and a commitment to Quality; and, measuring our success as a reflection of our customers’ satisfaction with our performance.
IT Services and IT Consulting, Testing Services, Services, Audit Services, Accounting Services, Financial, Network Integration Services, Communication Services, Certification Services, ANSI Certification Services
HQ Location
Washington DC Metro Area,East Coast,Southern US
Enterprise ArchitectureIT O&M (Infrastructure Support)Network Monitoring and Analysis (SeeNet)IA & CA