Socotra Roastery is a boutique roastery for specialty coffee serving the coffee market in a multitude of ways. One of our missions is to work with coffee houses, Pastry shops, Bakeries, and any institution serving coffee to bring them quality blends to enhance their customers experience. With coffee becoming one of the world’s most demanded commodities we recognize the importance of working closely with our partners to ensure that they are providing the coffee worthy of their customers satisfaction. From creating exclusive blends, private labeling and barista training to continuous follow ups on coffee quality from bean to cup, Socotra looks for businesses who pay close attention to quality and expect their partners to be proactively invested in their coffees continuous improvement.
Socotra, named after the exquisite Island of Yemen, aims to be exquisite, unique and exclusive choosing to work with a limited number of clients to ensure our quality assurance/control, and attention is evenly spread amongst our partners.