Societe Miniere De Developpement In Contact With Rj Traders Ltd In Tanzania
Cobalt Oxide, Oxide, Chemicals
Phone Number: 243 - 81 - 2183521
We are a company based in Drcongo especially in Lubumbashi and Kisangani.We have owners mines in Katanga and Province orientale.Our products in Katanga are Copper cathodes and Cobalt.And In Kisangani still the golds nuggets and small quantity of diamonds.We have opened a commercial branch in Tanzania located in Dar es salaam.Where all agreements are be finalised.We use thesame time the port of Dar es salaam for our shipment.We want a serious buyer which we can sign with a long term contract to do business .
123 avenue des mines Lubumbashi - Branch in Tanzania Dar es salam . P.O. Box 22106 - Samnujoma Highw Lubumbashi and Kisangani Katanga- Oriental and Tanzania 243
123 avenue des mines Lubumbashi - Branch in Tanzania Dar es salam . P.O. Box 22106 - Samnujoma Highw Lubumbashi and Kisangani Katanga- Oriental and Tanzania 243
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