+SocialGood unites a global community of innovators around a shared vision:
The power of technology and new media to make the world a better place.
+SocialGood is a community of connectors, bringing together ideas and action in our social media era. The +SocialGood engagement platform provides a space for a truly global conversation to take shape—a place where connectors can collaborate, share best practices, influence local and global agendas, and find new ways to translate their vision into action.
SocialGood Lagos is run by a group of community leaders, professionals, and thought leaders who are dedicated to using new media and digital technologies to enhance social good initiatives through partnerships, collaborations, and innovation, to make the local Lagos community a much better place.
We are committed to the promotion of new media and technology for achieving sustainable development by community education, advocacy and creating connecting and empowering platforms for change makers to share and hatch innovative solutions.