Brilliant Creative Minds is a mental health and wellbeing campaign for the advertising and communications industry. Our aim is to eradicate industry practices that diminish people’s creative potential.
Brilliant Creative Minds is a social value campaign funded and managed a by award-winning, strategic communications agency, Social & Local CIC. This LinkedIn page is our company page, but we'll be talking a lot about Brilliant Creative Minds, because that's one of the things we're most passionate about.
Uniquely, Social & Local is a Community Interest Company, using 50% of our profits to fund and resource projects that address big problems in our Community.
Our service offer covers: Communications and Brand Strategy, Audience Engagement and Insight Mining.
Everything we are and everything we do is built around understanding what’s important to people today.
Social & Local CIC was set up in 2011 because we understood that many clever, creative and innovative people were unhappy. The agency working environment meant that people were leaving our industry in droves. We realised that by revolutionising the agency working environment – everything digital, everything remote – we could offer flexibility and work-life-balance to attract some of the sharpest, most experienced minds in the industry. This model would also keep our overheads low, resulting in a secondary benefit to our clients – lower fees and fairer prices.
We also recognised that too many agencies were attempting to solve clients’ challenges without taking a people-centred approach. You cannot engage or influence audiences (partners, customers, employees, stakeholders) without understanding what’s important to them. That’s why we take the same people-centred principle to our work, creating award-winning campaigns in the process.