Oscar®, Emmy® and Annie Award-winning animated productions have turned to the groundbreaking work of Six Point Harness to provide artistically authentic and acclaimed animation in films, television, commercials and digital projects. Celebrating a diversity of voices and artists, Six Point Harness brings nearly 20 years of animation experience to an ever-changing industry, including its Academy Award®-winning work on 2019’s animated theatrical short film Hair Love. Six Point Harness’s work can be seen across film, TV and digital platforms, including Adult Swim (Lazor Wulf, Apollo Gauntlet), ABC (Black-ish), AMC (Dietland), NatGeo (Cosmos: Possible Worlds) and Disney+ (The Legend of the Three Caballeros), and in countless popular national commercials. For more details about the work and capabilities of Los Angeles-based Six Point Harness, please visit http://www.sixpointharness.com