PT Sistelindo Mitralintas is one of PT Telkom Indonesia, tbk affiliation company.
Sistelindo is a service provider company of data communication services and value added network services which was established in 31 March 1994 under the name of PT Sistelindo Mitralintas and started the operation in 1 October 1994.
At its establishment, Sistelindo provide value added network services based on IBM Global Network Services, including Internet services ( In December 1998, IBM Global Network Services was acquired by AT&T, therefore Sistelindo has been the Local Service Provider (LSP) for the AT&T Global Network Services in Indonesia for several years.
Today, Sistelindo keep continuing to provide and support AT&T Business Internet Services and also providing support and services for local access and CPE of AT&T, Indosat and Telkom's customers. Sistelindo offers many and various solutions related to Internet services and data communications services.
Sistelindo has been adopted global Quality of Services as their core competency. Sistelindo had a lot of multinational-company and local-company customers for the IPVPN and RAS (Remote Access Services) services, more companies and individuals for Internet Leased-Line and internet dial services.
Now Sistelindo core business is providing Managed Services.