The next two decades will bring an exponential technological revolution that will cause deep changes in society, affecting the way we live, work, study and relate to others.Education will have a predominant role in this scenario.
Singularity Foundation has been created to become a reference in school education for this new scenario. Designing and supporting projects that prepare the school stakeholders through educational research, teacher training, and carrying out projects in order to help the next generation become change-makers.
- Critical thinking leads to taking correct decisions, based on evidence, and at the same time being empathic and respectful to others.
- The role of the teacher will grow in a future where humanism and technology will intersect.
- The future of education will determine how we adapt to this change
-Designing and executing projects to empower students in four key areas: critical thinking, language and communication, technology and internationalisation.
-Training teachers and other players involved in the field of education in order to incorporate the key elements of the future scenario to their teaching activity.
-Promoting educational research focused on the new paradigm.
-Giving the players the chance to network and embark them upon new ways of teaching.