Simple Energy specializes in Business Consulting and Services with 51 employees
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About Simple Energy
At Simple, each customer is treated in a unique way. We seek to build lasting relationships based on trust and exchange of knowledge.
We act as your energy partner, an extension of your company that will take care of all matters in this area with transparency, providing accurate information so that you can make assertive decisions with much more peace of mind.
That way, we can identify your real needs and find an effective, uncomplicated and designed solution just for you.
It is from this unique and close relationship that we prepare you to define your strategies and actions in the Free Energy Market!
With a close and unique relationship with the customer, we are an extension of their company to identify their needs and seek opportunities in a simple process. Through this attitude, we can find an effective, uncomplicated and thought-out solution for each client, with easy-to-understand results that are translated into business!
It is with this unique and easy relationship that Simple Singular Energy also prepares its customers to make their own decisions when defining their strategies and actions in the Free Energy Market.
Rua Arizona 491
17° andar
São Paulo, SP 04567-001, BR
AssessoriGestão e Representação junto à CCEEComercialização de EnergiMercado Livre de EnergiComercializadora de EnergiAssessoria e Consultoria RegulatóriOtimização de Custos com Energia ElétricOperações estruturadas
Simple Energy Location
Rua Arizona 491
17° andar
São Paulo, SP 04567-001, BR
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