Our team manages investments in upstream oil and natural gas wells. Environmental and Social governance is the core of our investment and operating strategy. We provide clean, reliable energy for our neighbors and investors to support their and other families the world over. Our founders average over 25 years experience as engineers and leaders in the oil and gas industry. We all started our careers at big companies and over time have transitioned to smaller companies learning new skills that would allow us to one day own our own oil and gas companies. We are grateful for the technical, leadership and management skills those increasingly senior positions have provided us. That solid experience base led all of our founders to start their own side hustle oil and gas investment companies over the last 15 years while they managed their "day jobs". One of our founders has built an operating company over the last 8 years to manage over 600 wells in South Texas. An entrepenurial spirit, deep experience, drive to succeed and love of the upstream oil and gas industry drives us to create value for our investors and employees.