Shropdoc is a not-for-profit company established in 1996. We currently have over 270 GP members, all of whom work in local general practice. We are a local employer of over 250 staff including GPs, Nurses, Paramedics, Physiotherapists, Drivers, Call Handlers, Receptions along with a varied range of Administrative and Management roles.
Shropdoc provides urgent medical services for patients when their GP surgery is closed and whose needs cannot safely wait until the surgery is next open, i.e. each weekday evening until the following morning and from Friday evenings until Monday morning or the next working day following a Bank Holiday.
Since 2004 Shropdoc has actively pursued a policy of developing a 24/7 function utilising both its people and facilities to provide health related support services including;
• Care Co-ordination Centre
• Community Nursing
• Lone Worker Support
• Physiotherapy Triage
• Locality Nurse Teams
• Clinical Pathway design and implementation
• In-hours Telephone Triage for GP Surgeries
For companies requiring more information about Shropdoc and our range of services please contact
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