ShotHotpsot helps people find great places to take photos, all over the world.
We don't just search through locations that people have already added - we also use the location data of images on Flickr and Panoramio to automatically figure out the hotspots. You can still add your own hotspots if you want, but because we automatically figure them out, you've already got millions to find.
Once you've found and clicked on a hotspot, we store it in our database. We then decide its ranking based on stuff like the number of comments, likes or views.
And anyone who signs up can add their own hotspots, create lists of hotspots, or enrich existing hotspots by updating them with more information or adding their own photos.
This means that over time ShotHotspot will get even more accurate as more hotspots are discovered, ranked or enriched.
Cool, huh?