Shocard Acquired By Ping Identity (March 2020)

Technology, Information and Internet · 11 Employees
Phone Number: 4088366012
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ShoCard is a digital identity and authentication platform built on a public blockchain data layer, using public/private key encryption and data hashing to safely store and exchange identity data, which includes biometrics such as fingerprint, facial, iris and voice. ShoCard’s approach to identity is different than existing solutions in that the user owns and carries her own data within her mobile app and is the sole person who decides with whom to share it with and which pieces of identification to share. The blockchain in then used to validate that information and confirm other third parties who have definitively certified the identity of the user. There is no privately held central location that holds user’s private information and pieces of a user’s identification does not need to be spread in other services in order to authenticate or prove ownership of an account. The mobile app is as easy and intuitive to use as a driver’s license, but secure enough for a bank.
Year Founded
Social Media
Technology, Information and Internet
HQ Location
Stevens Creek Blvd Cupertino, California 95014, US
Internet SecurityMulti-Factor AuthenticatioMobile SecurityMobile AuthenticatioBlockchaiFintechBankingIdentityAuthenticatioLogi
  • Stevens Creek Blvd Cupertino, California 95014, US

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