Established in 1992, ELECPACK. Started as an OEM manufacturer. Has got an unanimous approval from international market for its products. We specialize from CD/DVD Bags, Camera/video Bags, to laptop bags. To our customers' requirement, we have extended our production to more field, such like cooler bag, handbag, tool bag, gift bag, games bag or any other bags.
Located in Shenzhen China, it takes half hour from Shekou Port and one hour from HONGKONG to our factory,. With over 800 workers, our full production can reach up to 20k CD wallets,10k camera bags and 5k laptop bag per day and our monthly volumes fluctuate between $1.5-3M USD. Our major markets including North America, Europe, Japan and Australia.
It is our duty to provide the highest levels of quality merchandise, competitive prices and prompt deliveries to all clients. We welcome all enquiries, consultations and orders. We have found out that the mutual benefit is to establish long-term relationship with each other.
Instrument Bags & Boxes, Musical Instruments & Accessories, Sports and Entertainment, Bag, Bike Accessories, Bike, Bicycle and Accessories, Purses, Handbags & Wallets, Bags & Luggage, Bags and Footwear, Travel & Sports Bags, Kits & Accessories