shed21, the identified Australia Designer handbags, casual handbags, fashion handbags, quality handbags Manufacturer can offer you with quality Bags, Belts & Wallets products. The warehouse of shed21 is sited in Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia. shed21 is finest business in Australia. shed21 Information Name: taylor Address: Canberra Australian Capital Territory Country: Australia Main Products: Designer handbags, casual handbags, fashion handbags, quality handbags Year Established: 2001 Export Focus: Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom Estimated Employees: 101 - 200 People Registered Capital: US$10 Million - US$50 Million Ownership Status: Professional Association Export Percentage: 61% - 70% Factory Size: Below 1, 000 square meters Production Lines: 8 Research Team Size: Fewer than 5 Contract Services: OEM Service Offered