Founded in 2021 by Hugh Short (Managing Partner: Iñuit, Bering Straits and Calista Regions), Tara Sweeney (Chair: Iñuit, Arctic Slope Region), and Rupert Robinson (Managing Partner: a sustainable finance expert out of the UK.)
Seven Glaciers aims to empower stakeholders with meaningful climate response strategies. Seven Glaciers seek to evolve the narrative and the approach to climate change across the Arctic, just as generations of Iñuit have adapted to a changing climate over millennia.
Seven Glaciers provides stakeholders with an opportunity to support the Arctic region by taking tangible action to reduce their carbon footprint. As the world continues to convert, upgrade and be proactive in climate engagement, we're here to facilitate the process that aligns with your organizations integrated Carbon reduction approach.
Our founders wanted to do their part to protect their homelands and, by doing so, protect the world. They envision a region where carbon neutrality is a voluntary industry practice. Seven Glaciers is the leader in building an Arctic Carbon neutral revolution towards that future.
#Arctic #ClimateAction