As a consultant I offer a variety of services and packages:
The Retainer Program: This focuses on specific goals and needs of the client. As the program evolves the retainer program can be modified to focus on other topics.
Third Party Audits: Mock OSHA Wall to Wall and Records Inspections.
Special Projects and Services: Through the Retainer Program and Third Party Audits it may be determined that you have specific programs that need to be established. Examples of these could be: Development and implementation of Safe Job Procedures, Respirator Program, Lockout Tagout and periodic inspection Program, Hazard Communications, New Employee Safety Manual, etc… Industrial Hygiene Services: Asbestos/Lead Sampling and Abatement, Noise Monitoring, Water Quality, Permissible Exposure Testing (PEL), etc…
Visit the Serviss Safety Services Web Site for more detailed information: