Serve Denton

Serve Denton specializes in Non-profit Organizations with 2 employees
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About Serve Denton
Finding help should be easy and nonprofits should thrive. Serve Denton is a 501(c)(3), community-based nonprofit organization that partners with nonprofits to help make their services more accessible for people in need. We are a one-stop-shop for humanity. Partnering with 20 Denton area nonprofits, we colocate nonprofits in one convenient location to promote collaboration, accelerate growth, and make it easy for people in need to find help. When someone falls on hard times, finding help can be difficult when services are spread out across town. The more barriers there are to services, the less people are helped. We solve this problem by bringing all of the helpers together under one roof. By having multiple services in the same location, Serve Denton becomes a one-stop-shop for people in need. When multiple organizations are under one roof, they are able to work together. Nonprofits can build relationships with each other and easily refer clients to other agencies, leading to more people becoming self-sufficient. For more information visit or email
Year Founded
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Non-profit Organizations
HQ Location
306 N Loop 288 Denton, Texas 76209, US
Collaboration among nonprofitsReferral systems for clientsPromoting self-sufficiency
Community-based nonprofit servicesOne-stop-shop for humanityCo-located nonprofit services
Nonprofit ManagementNonprofit LeadershipNonprofit DevelopmentFundraisingStrategic Planning
Serve Denton Location
  • 306 N Loop 288 Denton, Texas 76209, US

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