Sense Tecnic Systems Inc has a rich pedigree based on ground breaking research. The genesis of the company lies in its research roots at the University of British Columbia where co-founders Mike Blackstock and Rodger Lea have been developing advanced distributed systems for a number of years. Original work on pervasive and ubiquitous systems research led to an early real world sensing platform in 2006 focused primarily on supporting context aware mobile applications. This platform evolved through a number of iterations as the research explored participatory sensing, real time connected devices – or things – and eventually the Internet of Things. In 2010, with the core research ideas established, the founders created Sense Tecnic Systems Inc (STS) with a goal of building a high performance, flexible IoT platform aimed at IoT apps and services.
Combining advanced research driven technology, a team of skilled developers and a rich combination of entrepreneurial and management skills, STS has consistently led the evolution of the Internet of Things. We plan to continue on that path.