Seneca helps 10,000,000+ students to learn better. Our homework & revision platform applies cognitive neuroscience to make learning more efficient and enjoyable. We offer 800+ free courses covering all subjects and exam boards.
In a Randomised Control Trial with 1,120 participants, we've proven that students using Seneca obtained test scores 2x higher than their peers using other revision resources. We want every student to have an equal opportunity for the best education and Seneca makes that possible.
Seneca’s algorithms are adaptive and personalize students’ education to their abilities, prior knowledge and performance. Our algorithms are based on students’ knowledge and performance, as well as principles such as the ‘Forgetting Curve’ to deliver an optimal learning experience. Seneca uses spaced repetition, active retrieval, interleaving, multimodal representations and visual memory cues to increase students’ retention of information.