Sekolah Murid Merdeka specializes in Higher Education, Education Management with 201 employees
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About Sekolah Murid Merdeka
Sekolah Murid Merdeka is an innovative school that implements a blended learning system. Our main mission is to provide affordable and quality learning for all in Indonesia through learning practices and methods focused on student’s interest and talent to reach competence, accomplishment, and goals in the future. We stand for children’s rights by providing personalized learning to accommodate each student’s needs.
Founded in 2019, Sekolah Murid Merdeka’s founders and teachers are experts in education who answer to today’s challenges by providing a digitally-integrated curriculum that is easily accessed by all. We embrace flexibility, creativity, and technology to reach future competence. Students ranging from preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, and high/vocational school are accommodated with various classes and learning products to support their learning. By humanizing relationships, understanding concepts, empowering contexts, building sustainability, and choosing challenges, we prepare the students to be ready for the future.
To learn more about Sekolah Murid Merdeka, please kindly contact:
Call center: 150950
Instagram: @sekolahmuridmerdeka
Facebook: Sekolah Murid Merdeka
Youtube: Sekolah Murid Merdeka
Twitter: @muridmerdeka
Or take a look at our working culture at:
Instagram: @lifeatSMM