SearchInform is a 100% private company that develops risk management products being one of the industry leaders. More than 3,000 companies across 20+ countries are SearchInform clients. The development team has been creating search technologies for unstructured data since 1995 and started developing information security solutions in 2004. Today, the team has products and services for comprehensive protection against insider threats at all levels of corporate information systems.
SearchInform provides clients with a few advanced tools for data protection and risk mitigation at different levels. At the level of IT infrastructure, protection is ensured by the SIEM system, at the level of file system – by FileAuditor (DCAP class system), at the level of workstations, data channels and human-related risks – by the DLP system and to help clients perform comprehensive protection and risk mitigation SearchInform offers Risk Monitor. The systems are integrated seamlessly, operate on a single technological basis and can be deployed within a few hours.