Sea Wellbeing is an innovative concept within the maritime industry that offers custom-designed solutions for corporate well-being and talent engamenet on board ships. It is a representation of our extensive experience working for different shipping companies. Amongst the tailor-made services we offer, these are our highlights:
For seafarers:
• Mentoring for professional development (CV writing, LinkedIn, job search on ships, transitioning to jobs on land, interviews, etc.)
• Mentoring for personal development (stress management, conflicts with colleagues, work and family balance, etc.)
• Comprehensive online training for health and well-being onboard
For shipping companies:
• Onboard Talent Recruitment and Engagement Services
• Comprehensive Welfare Plans for Crew
• Mentoring for personal and professional development
• Tailor-made training
Clients, collaborations and partnerships: Instituto Marítimo Español, CruiseTimes (Ireland), Recruit4Work, Cámaras de Comercio, Sli Nua Careers (Ireland), Grupo Arestora, CertificaciónPM, Hike OD4D, Hola Crew, AnchorFM, Woman in Power, Business Professional Women, Guardia Real, Fundación Mensajeros de la Paz, etc.