Scottish ClubSport is the new identity for the Scottish Association of Local Sports Councils (SALSC). Scottish ClubSport is the umbrella body for the ClubSport networks and Sports Councils across Scotland and is a national partner of sportscotland.
Designed to expand the nature and delivery of the ClubSport and Sports Council network in Scotland, Scottish ClubSport undertakes the commitment to develop a national and local structure relevant to the sporting landscape of today, engaging local knowledge and empowering club sport networks to work together in partnership.
With a membership across Scotland, Scottish ClubSport represents a membership of over 3,000 sports clubs, organisations and individuals collectively, across 52 different sports. Covering the majority of Local Authority areas, the Scottish ClubSport membership is highly varied across Scotland. From the smallest with 14 members to the largest with 300+ members, the landscape of ClubSport networks and Sports Councils is unique to each of the local areas.