We connect people, events & activities using technology and creativity, helping people worldwide to discover what is happening around them. Having millions of events in our database you never have to miss a thing of your interest again. Your online digital companion on Eventpeak can be used on any device and uses AI and Machine learning to match you to events you will love while helping event organizers to sell more tickets. As event organizer you have all tools to engage with your audience, communicate and manage tickets.
Our integrated agenda solution helps networks, city districts and tourism associations to automate valuable content streams by using their own agenda’s on their websites. By integrating our solution you will no longer need any additional efforts to reach the world with your event information!
Networks searching for relevant content to show on their communication channels can sit back and relax. We fix this for you automatically. Creating more connected cities, increase engagement locally from both tourists and locals while boosting economic growth. All of which is measured and accessible through our Datapeak market analyses.
Creator also of eventpeak.com