Schumacher Lab serves as a space for a learning that is transformational and a doing that is life-centered. Here the emergence of a new economy can be seen, felt and connected to.
Schumacher Labs, is not a traditional organization, but rather a brave organization that can help convene, host, and galvanize a larger movement. We are committed to the relationship-building and trust-building among a diverse community. The flourishing of life is, center of this quest.
We are not about making blueprints for action; about getting the right people together in a nourishing space, and empowering their collective wisdom and creativity to evolve the right solutions, based on their particular context and needs.
We envision an alliance of very different projects, organizations, visionaries and commoners who are mostly focused on making change directly, through their own peer governance and provisioning.
Schumacher Labs is about DOING, not just studying. It was about reaching out to the public and the creative fringe. We aim to create shared spaces in which to hear about wide range of topics Indigenous science, open source peer production, cosmo-local hardware design and production, urban commons, agroecology, novel types of digitally networked organizations, platform cooperatives, and commons-based arts and culture projects.
Practitioner-driven. We are open and inclusive and democratic. We engage the inner, somatic, and spiritual lives of people. We reflect widespread cultural aspirations to deal squarely with climate and ecological crisis. We welcome direct action with post-growth ideas. Schumacher Labs is an incubator for the types of institutions we need. Our aspiration is to change the very context of politics and culture by bringing new and daring ideas forward. Create specific, functional alternatives that change the context of discussion and enlarge the horizon of what’s possible.