Meet Say So:
We are a reporting service for staff in all sectors and industries. Working alongside companies to help reduce risks, improve standards and create better working environments for all.
What we do:
We look to cause a change in culture and attitudes so that open and inclusive communication becomes accepted as normal practice and offering the means for staff to be heard. Leading to greater confidence among staff of client companies to share any issues, concerns or ideas to management.
We began to realise that a workplace that could be kept safe for all, was a workplace capable of better performance and operated more cost effectively. There would be fewer serious incidents, so fewer civil claims and fewer staff issues, resulting with greater staff retention levels, avoiding major failures.
What Say So Offer:
Completely impartial and independent reporting facility for staff to make reports of any issues.
Briefing to management & staff explaining their service.
Managing sensitive reports in a way that maintains anonymity of the reporter.
They instruct lawyers to make robust representations arguing against disclosure of identities.
Will not furnish identities of reporters in response to requests made under the data protection act.
Offer reporting service that staff can have confidence in.
Why Say So:
Say So has been developed to utilise our skills and background so that crucial information concerning risk to any person, not previously available to senior managers, is accessed by management for action.
We are motivated ti protect the vulnerable and to ensure fairness within the workplace. Our background is complex, standards checking, codes of practice compliance and quality assurance. We are experienced in taking witness statements and conducting interviews to criminal law standards (highest legal standard of proof) & managing sensitive information.