"Working in Partnership for the Communities' Future." A not-for-profit community organization, SEDC exists to promote sustainable economic and social development throughout our region by providing loans and resources to businesses and the social economy.
We provide a variety of services to support existing small businesses, start-up businesses and entrepreneurs who are exploring the possibility of starting or expanding their own business.
Some of the services are in the form of providing loans and resource materials to small businesses as well as business counselling and training for small businesses and participating in community projects that promote the start-up, growth and expansion of local businesses.
Money for these programs is provided by FedDev Ontario and distributed through SOFII, the Southern Ontario Fund for Investment in Innovation. For more information on this program, visit their website: http://www.sofii.ca/
Some of the other activities SEDC has been involved with in the past include: feasibility studies, business directories, industrial directories, strategic planning, targeted business attraction programs, developing and presenting seminars and workshops to assist business, and "The Saugeen Economy" quarterly newsletter.