Sargent House

Sargent House specializes in Musicians with 2 employees
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About Sargent House
taken from Wikipedia: Sargent House is a Los Angeles based management company and record label. It was founded in June 2006 by Cathy Pellow, who also owns music video production company and syndicated TV show Refused TV. Pellow began managing the rock outfit RX Bandits in 2006. The band needed to release its new album ...And The Battle Begun, so Pellow decided to launch her own record label (largely out of interest in doing things differently from the traditional model of record labels. From that point onward, Pellow continued to manage bands and release records, all under the Sargent House banner. Chronologically from when Pellow first began working with them, Sargent House manages the RX Bandits, These Arms Are Snakes, Maps & Atlases, Russian Circles, Tera Melos, Fang Island, Daughters, Red Sparowes, Red Fang, Good Old War, Native, Bygones, Lisa Papineau, Big Sir, Cast Spells, Zechs Marquise, Zach Hill, Le Butcherettes and Adebisi Shank. Additionally, Pellow also helms the Rodriguez Lopez Productions imprint, founded by The Mars Volta guitarist Omar Rodríguez-López. Currently, all Sargent House managed bands also have a release on the SH label. The label has a strict "no submissions" policy, preferring to add new bands stemming from within the ever-expanding Sargent House family.
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Sargent House specializes in the Musicians field