Sapient is a biomarker discovery organization providing bespoke services for metabolomics, lipidomics, and proteomics data generation and analysis, enabling biopharma sponsors to go beyond the genome to accelerate precision drug development.
Using state-of-the-art, high-throughput mass spectrometry technologies, Sapient enables nontargeted multi-omics measurements to capture thousands of dynamic biomarkers – including metabolites, lipids, and proteins – across thousands of samples at a time.
These technologies are leveraged within a larger discovery infrastructure that includes a comprehensive biocomputational framework for analysis of large-scale, multi-omics data; robust quality control analysis; and mapping of key biomarker-phenotype associations. Sapient can cross-validate discoveries using our proprietary in-house longitudinal Human Biology Database that includes data from over 100,000 human biosamples with paired phenotypic measures.
Together our approaches enable rapid identification, validation, and translation of dynamic biomarkers of biological processes, disease mechanisms, and drug response across all drug development phases.