Santa Fe Preparatory School

Santa Fe Preparatory School specializes in Primary and Secondary Education with 51 employees
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About Santa Fe Preparatory School
Santa Fe Prep is an ambitious and diverse learning community dedicated to active discourse. We value our place in the community of Santa Fe, which enriches and defines us. We cultivate qualities of character, scholarship, and citizenship in our students that inspire them to act responsibly and compassionately at home, at school, and in the world. Through the many dialogues that unfold on campus each day, our students exercise their minds in active inquiry. The discourse of Santa Fe Prep promotes the joy of discovery, the power of critical thinking and reflection, and the thrill of creativity. Our commitment to collaborative learning fosters an inclusive school environment grounded in trust, where students honor and respect each other and themselves. The world is full of possibility. Empowered with the values and qualities inherent in our School, our students can embrace lives of thoughtful purpose.
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Primary and Secondary Education
HQ Location
1101 Camino de la Cruz Blanca Santa Fe, NM 87505-0391, US
Santa Fe Preparatory School Location
  • 1101 Camino de la Cruz Blanca Santa Fe, NM 87505-0391, US

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Santa Fe Preparatory School specializes in the Primary and Secondary Education field

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Santa Fe Preparatory School specializes in the Primary and Secondary Education field