The Salem Chamber of Commerce: Your Business is Our Business
The mission of the Salem Chamber of Commerce is to make Salem a better place to live, work, and do business. The Salem Chamber serves as the voice for member businesses, representing, advocating and working to enhance the business and civic environment. With 600 members, we are the largest business organization in Salem.
The Salem Chamber of Commerce...
Is your local spokesperson, community advocate and goodwill ambassador. The Salem Chamber is the business communities’ voice on local questions of taxation and legislation, and monitors local and state governmental issues. The Salem Chamber supports local measures that are good for the business development of this area and opposes those that are detrimental.
Is your sales manager. The Salem Chamber sells your city, your products, and your services to people. Every day your Chamber promotes your community. This includes maps, brochures, demographic information and directories that are readily available and updated on a regular basis. The Chamber refers its members to people asking for special products or services, and it encourages "members using member products and services".
Is your information source. Through our weekly e-newsletter, website, blog, on-line and printed directories, and our monthly mailings, the Salem Chamber keeps members and the audience at-large informed and connected.
Increases your credibility. Chamber membership gives your customers assurance that you are an involved business, working to make your area a better place in which to work and live.
Is the "rallying point". The Chamber is the central organization in which you and your fellow business people join hands to promote the projects that benefit you, your business, and your community.