Salameh Plastic Surgery Center

Salameh Plastic Surgery Center specializes in Medical Practices with 11 employees
Phone Number: 8122488900
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About Salameh Plastic Surgery Center
Dr. Bernard Salameh FACS, ABPS, ASPS, MD, the visionary founder and exclusive surgical expert behind our prestigious brand, is leading the way in a groundbreaking era for awake body procedures. As a double-board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Salameh is committed to delivering exceptional care and remarkable outcomes. He is renowned for his work in Awake Body Procedures - awake liposuction, awake breast augmentation, awake tummy tucks, awake fat transfer procedures, awake lipedema & awake gynecomastia treatments, and other advanced awake techniques. Our state-of-the-art facilities in Indiana & Kentucky, accredited by AAAASF, embody Dr. Salameh's dedication to cutting-edge technology, prioritizing patient comfort and safety. His compassionate approach to understanding each patient's unique aspirations and needs sets Dr. Salameh apart. Moreover, along with our dedicated team, he is hands-on in offering practical advice, providing treatment options, and ensuring a seamless path to healing. When you choose Salameh Plastic Surgery Center, you align yourself with a revered luminary in the field. Discover the transformation that awaits you at Salameh Plastic Surgery Center, where innovation meets compassion. Schedule your consultation today and embark on a journey led by a trusted & world-renowned expert who genuinely cares about helping you achieve your desired results.
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Medical Practices
HQ Location
996 Wilkinson Trace Building C Bowling Green, Kentucky 42103, US
Awake Body ProceduresPlastic Surgery TechniquesPatient Comfort and SafetyAdvanced Surgical TechniquesCutting-edge Technology in SurgeryCompassionate Patient Care
Awake Body ProceduresAwake LiposuctionAwake Breast AugmentationAwake Tummy TucksAwake Fat Transfer ProceduresAwake Lipedema TreatmentsAwake Gynecomastia Treatments
Plastic SurgeryLipedemCosmetic SurgeryTummy TuckLiposuctioArmliftLegliftBrazilian Butt LiftBreast AugmentatioAwake Liposuctio
Salameh Plastic Surgery Center Location
  • 996 Wilkinson Trace Building C Bowling Green, Kentucky 42103, US
  • 8080 High Pointe Dr. Newburgh, Indiana 47630, US

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