Saint James Hospital International is a healthcare provider and consultant, committed to continuously offer a high quality service and outstanding medical care that has earned us our renowned reputation in private healthcare over the years becoming a leader in medical excellence in Malta, Libya and Hungary.
Through Corporate Emergency Medical Assistance (CEMA) we also provide medical support to locations that lack adequate healthcare facilities and offer customised healthcare solutions for specific onshore and offshore companies. We assess locations, analyse requirements, recommend solutions and set up fixed and mobile medical clinics. We also source and recruit personnel to run these remote clinics, where our clients request so.
We have been operating a hospital and clinics in Libya since 2006 and an ophthalmic clinic in Budapest Hungary. The company will also be opening a 50 bed multidisciplinary hospital in Hay Damask, Libya at the end of 2018.
Our expertise comprises of specialists in the domain of healthcare management and various clinical divisions.