Saint Ignatius Jesuit College for Advanced Studies (Szent Ignác Jezsuita Szakkollégium in Hungarian) is made up of students, who want to achieve more during their university studies than an average college student. They want to be value-driven and socially responsible decision-maker intellectuals, who are the best in their own profession.
Professional excellence of the College is provided by our educational system. In the small-group seminar courses, we have the chance to get to know the most distinguished experts in their fields, leaders or international guest professors; which widely guarantees the professional development of our students.
Economic, engineer, law, medical and psychology students are living together in Saint Ignatius Jesuit College. The multidisciplinarity of the College creates a unique professional atmosphere and provides the opportunity to learn and compare the views of different scientific disciplines.
An essential part of college life is the voluntary work, done by the college members on their own initiative and driven by social responsibility and the need for creative activity. The college members organized the charity to help people in need. Another excellent example is our Roots Camp series, a movement that received the Junior Prima Award, which is designed for strengthening the identity of Hungarian pupils living in poverty outside of Hungary.
Saint Ignatius Jesuit College is made up of talented and ambitious young people believing in similar values, who are willing to assist the College in achieving its goals and feel a responsibility towards society.