The Sainsbury Wellcome Centre brings together world-leading neuroscientists driven by a common scientific goal: to understand how neural circuits in the brain give rise to the fundamental processes underpinning behaviour including perception, memory, expectation, decisions, cognition, volition and action.
Because these questions cannot be answered by any one laboratory, we are developing new models of team science, as well as developing exciting new technologies. Through multi-disciplinary team research, and in close collaboration with the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit (GCNU), scientists at the SWC are generating new theories that relate computational algorithms to identified neural circuits to explain different aspects of cognition and behaviour.
A core mission of the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre is to contribute to society through a better understanding of brain function. We engage with school and college students, the local Fitzrovia community, and a global network of stakeholders through public events, media engagement and publications.